Monday, September 2, 2024

Diabetes 1 And 2 Difference

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What Are The Other Types Of Diabetes

Type 1 vs. Type 2 Diabetes

As more research is conducted into diabetes, doctors are discovering new types of diabetes that require different treatments other than type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Other types of diabetes include:

  • Type 1.5 diabetes or latent autoimmune diabetes, a slower version of type 1 diabetes that may or may not require insulin therapy at first
  • Drug- or chemically-induced diabetes that can occur in children who receive high doses of steroids or chemotherapy
  • Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes in children who have cystic fibrosis
  • Maturity onset diabetes of the young , a rare type of hereditary diabetes
  • Neonatal diabetes in newborns who have genetic mutations that cause diabetes

Some of these types of diabetes require oral medications while others require insulin therapy. Your doctor works to diagnose your childs exact type of diabetes through blood tests and genetic testing to ensure he or she receives the right treatment.

Treatment For Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes has only one treatment: insulin replacement. There is no other treatment for Type 1 diabetes and without insulin, death is very likely. Whereas Type 2 diabetes can be managed with diet, weight loss, medications, and/or insulin.Individuals with Type 1 diabetes tend to develop a life-threatening condition called diabetic ketoacidosis.

This condition is chiefly due to the lack of insulin. On the other hand, Type 2 diabetics tend to develop a condition called a hyperosmolar coma, which is chiefly due to the high levels of glucose in the bloodstream. There is no cure for Type 1 diabetes and insulin treatment is required for life on the other hand, with lifestyle changes, the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes can be reduced or even completely eliminated.

When Should I Call My Doctor

Its important to monitor diabetes very closely if youre sick. Even a common cold can be dangerous if it interferes with your insulin and blood sugar levels. Make a sick day plan with your healthcare provider so you know how often to check your blood sugar and what medications to take.

Contact your provider right away if you experience:

  • Confusion or memory loss.
  • Nausea and vomiting for more than four hours.
  • Problems with balance or coordination.
  • Severe pain anywhere in your body.
  • Trouble moving your arms or legs.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Type 2 diabetes is a disease where your body doesnt make enough insulin and cant use sugar the way it should. Sugar, or glucose, builds up in your blood. High blood sugar can lead to serious health complications. But Type 2 diabetes is manageable. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help you manage your blood sugar. You may also need medication or insulin. If you have Type 2 diabetes, you should monitor your blood sugar at home regularly and stay in close communication with your healthcare provider.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 03/25/2021.


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Type 1 Vs Type 2 Complications

As for complications, both type 1 and type 2 diabetics are at high risk for problems with their eyesalso known as diabetic retinopathywhich is the leading cause of blindness in the U.S., Dr. Block says. Diabetics require an eye exam every year with a dilation exam to keep up with their eye health. Dr. Block adds that those with type 1 and 2 diabetes also can develop kidney problems, as well as peripheral neuropathy, which can cause numbing and burning in the hands and feet. Type 2 diabetics tend to have more problems with cholesterol and heart problems, he says.

In some cases, those with undiagnosed diabetes can reach the point of diabetic ketoacidosis . Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when the body produces excess ketones, or blood acids, when there isnt enough insulin in the body. This is dangerous and requires treatment in an intensive care unit, Dr. Block says. If DKA goes untreated, the result is often fatal.

Managing And Treating Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

Signs of Diabetes In Men

Managing and treating your diabetes is so important. This is because itll help you avoid serious health complications. And itll play a big part in your daily life regardless of if you have type 1 or type 2.

If you have type 1 diabetes, youll need to take insulin to control your blood sugar levels. Youll also need to test your blood glucose levels regularly. And count how many carbs you eat and drink. Counting carbs will help you work out how much insulin you should take when you inject it into your meals.

And generally, you should be trying to have a healthy lifestyle. That includes regular physical activity and a healthy balanced diet. These will help you reduce your risk of diabetes complications.

If you have type 2 diabetes, you also need to eat a healthy diet and be active. These things will help you manage your weight and diabetes.


Type 1 and type 2 are dissimilar in their root causes, but their effects are ultimately similar. Below is a table depicting some of the major differences between type 1 and type 2.

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Type 1 Diabetes Causes

  • Family history of type 1 diabetes
  • Childhood consumption of cows milk, often before 1 year of age
  • Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis in dairy and meat products
  • Enterovirus infections
  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • Excess body weight

In essence, type 1 diabetes is a disease that manifests beyond your control, while type 2 diabetes is loosely determined by your genetics and largely determined by your lifestyle.

There Are A Few Ways To Treat Type 1 Diabetes:

  • Monitor your blood sugar. Living with diabetes means getting familiar with healthy blood sugar levels and checking yours regularly. Depending on your health care providers specific recommendation, you might need to check it four to ten times daily. Youll use a small blood sugar meter called a glucometer to measure glucose levels in a pin-prick of blood on a disposable test strip. Another option is to have a continuous glucose monitor, which automatically measures your blood sugar every few minutes using a sensor inserted underneath the skin.
  • Take insulin. Because your body doesnt produce it on its own, youll have to get it another way. There are a few methods for taking insulin, including regular injections or a wearable insulin pump, which delivers small, steady doses of fast-acting insulin throughout the day through a thin tube. Though its certainly not the most convenient lifestyle, it often becomes second nature for people living with type 1 diabetes.
  • Maintain a balanced diet. You dont have to be extremely restrictive, but carbohydrates are the foods youll want to watch, making sure to eat them consistently but not go overboard. If youre taking a fixed amount of insulin, keeping your carbohydrate intake consistent to match is important.
  • Exercise. Staying active is always an important component of health, but for people with type 1 diabetes, it can help keep blood sugar levels in check and cause your body to use the insulin more efficiently.

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Whats The Difference Between Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are two of the fastest-growing chronic conditions on the planet, and combine to affect more than 34 million people in the US .

The main difference between the two forms of diabetes is actually quite simple.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition in which your bodys immune system mistakenly targets insulin-producing beta cells for destruction.

Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, is not an autoimmune condition. With type 2 diabetes, your body can produce insulin, but it is not sufficient to control your blood glucose thanks to a condition called insulin resistance.

According to the American Diabetes Association, type 1 diabetes is less common, occurring in 1.5-2 million people in the United States .

Type 2 diabetes is more common, occurring in 31-32 million people .

Prediabetes is the precursor condition to type 2 diabetes, and is estimated to affect another 88 million more people in the US. According to the CDC, of those with prediabetes, more than 84% of them dont even know it.

Type 1 diabetes is more common in young people, though not always. Meanwhile, type 2 more commonly manifests later in life.

However, while they both manifest in the same initial symptoms, their causes and overall treatment plan can be very different.

In this article, well explore the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes in detail.

Well touch on their causes, risk factors, symptoms, and diagnoses.

What Is Type 1 Diabetes

Difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes

In type 1 diabetes, the bodys immune system destroys the specialized cells in the pancreas that make and distribute insulin, causing the pancreas to stop making insulin altogether. Type 1 diabetes most often appears in children and young adults, and is much less common than type 2, with roughly 5% of people in the U.S. with diabetes having type 1Type 1 Diabetes . National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases. Accessed 11/12/2021. . Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented.

Home Diabetes And Heart Test

The home diabetes and heart test helps to identify both diabetes or pre-diabetes, as well as giving you an insight into your cardiovascular health.

Common symptoms of type 1 diabetes are fatigue, increased urination, increased thirst and otherwise unexplained weight loss.

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Discovering What Causes Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetics are still able to naturally create and produce insulin. However, for one reason or another, they are unable to properly use or process the insulin. If the insulin cannot be properly used or processed, it results in high blood sugar levels because glucose will accumulate in the bloodstream.

Even though environmental factors and genetics can cause Type 2 diabetes, lifestyle choices are the most common cause of this chronic disease. Excessive weight, lack of exercise, poor diet, and smoking are just some of the many lifestyle factors can cause Type 2 diabetes.

Discovering What Causes Type 1 Diabetes

People with Type 1 diabetes have a pancreas that is unable to produce any insulin. The pancreas is unable to produce insulin because the bodys immune system mistakenly attacks it.

Why the body of people with Type 1 diabetes attacks the pancreas is unknown. Some health care researchers believe it could be a genetic trait that is passed down through families, while others believe it could be a result of exposure to harsh environmental factors, such as a virus.

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The Emotional Impact Of Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

Living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes can sometimes feel overwhelming.

Both types are different but feeling down or anxious because of your diabetes can affect anyone. It is important to understand that a long-term condition can come with an emotional impact, no matter how it has been caused or how you treat it.

If youre struggling with your diabetes, remember that youre not alone.

There is lots of support available to you, like our helpline. There you can speak to our highly trained advisors about how you’re feeling. And you can also speak to people who are going through similar experiences on our forum. There are lots of things you can do to help yourself and its just about finding what works for you.

It can be frustrating to explain the differences between type 1 and type 2.

Both types face confusion over what causes the condition and how it can be treated. This will be slightly different whether you’re type 1 or the more common type 2. Just because something is more common, doesn’t mean it is understood.

And while it is emotionally draining to constantly correct people, you should also know that you’re not alone. There are many people living with diabetes facing similar questions and struggles, regardless of type. You can reach out to them to give or receive support in the forum and at local groups.

How Does Diabetes Affect The Body

Difference diabetes type 1 and 2

There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2.

Both types of diabetes are chronic diseases that affect the way your body regulates blood sugar or glucose. Glucose is the fuel that feeds your bodys cells, but to enter your cells it needs a key. Insulin is that key.

People with type 1 diabetes dont produce insulin. You can think of it as not having a key.

People with type 2 diabetes dont respond to insulin as well as they should and later in the disease often dont make enough insulin. You can think of it as having a broken key.

People with type 1 and type 2 diabetes may also experience irritability, mood changes, and unintentional weight loss.

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Symptoms Of Type 2 Diabetes Vs Type 1 Diabetes

How can you tell if you have type 2 diabetes or type 1 diabetes? Symptoms of diabetes type 1 and 2 are quite common including:

  • Feeling thirsty
  • Genital itch or thrush
  • Poor wound healing

Which is a characteristic of type 1 diabetes mellitus? Type 1 diabetes can often become visible quite quickly. This makes them more difficult to overlook. When the symptoms get ignored, it can cause diabetic ketoacidosis .

However, the diabetes mellitus 2 symptoms can be easier to neglect because the condition develops gradually, specifically in the early stages. These reasons make it harder to detect the symptoms. For this reason, it is imperative to know the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Difference Between Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

For many people, it can get confusing to differentiate between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. While they may sound similar, both have integral differences, in the pathophysiology symptoms experienced and the course of action for treatment.

To help understand the difference between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes a bit better, this article has listed the distinction between them so that you can live a healthier and more informed life. To begin, the overarching term diabetes refers to a chronic disease relating to your glucose or sugar levels and how they are regulated naturally.

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How Type 1 Diabetes Develops

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, which means it results from the immune system mistakenly attacking parts of the body. In the case of type 1 diabetes, the immune system incorrectly targets insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.

Nobody knows why this occurs, or how to stop it. The immune systems of people with type 1 diabetes continue to attack beta cells until the pancreas is incapable of producing insulin.

People with type 1 diabetes need to inject themselves with insulin to compensate for the death of their beta cells. Everyone with type 1 diabetes is insulin-dependent.

A1c Goals For Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2, Animation.

People living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes are all encouraged to achieve an HbA1c level at or below 7.0 percent for the best prevention of diabetes-related complications.

A crucial part of diabetes management for both type 1 and type 2 is testing your blood sugar. Using a glucometer or continuous glucose monitor each day is the only way to know if your choices around food, insulin, exercise, and other medications are keeping your blood sugar within a safe range.

For some people with diabetes especially those who have hypoglycemia unawareness or the elderly aiming for an A1c of 7.0 may present too much risk and stress.

Determining the right A1c goal for you based on your current diabetes management, your goals , and other stressors in your life can mean that tighter blood sugar management isnt realistic.

Instead, focus on doing the best you can with an A1c goal that is realistically achievable and safe for your life at this time.

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The Difference Between Type 1 And Type 2

30.3 million people have diabetes , in one type or another. 84.1 million adults aged 18 years or older have prediabetes (33.9% of the adult US population. But what exactly is Diabetes? There are a lot of myths and misunderstandings surrounding the disease, particularly when it comes to type 1 versus type 2.

So lets start with the basics.

The two main types of diabetes are type 1 and type 2. In type 1 diabetes , the body completely stops making insulin. People with type 1 diabetes must take daily insulin injections to survive. This form of diabetes usually develops in children or young adults, but can occur at any age.In type 2 diabetes the body produces insulin, but the cells dont respond to insulin the way they should. This is called insulin resistance. In response to this insulin resistance, the pancreas should make more insulin, but in the case of type 2 diabetes, this does not happen. Because of these two problems, insulin resistance and trouble making extra insulin, there is not enough of an insulin effect to move the glucose from the blood into the cells. Type 2 diabetes is more likely to occur in people who are over the age of 40, overweight, and have a family history of diabetes, although more and more younger people, including adolescents, are developing type 2 diabetes.

Its important to know a few things about how your body works before you can take the best care of your diabetes.

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How Should A Person With Diabetes Eat

Paying close attention to your diet and exercise habits in life with type 1 and type 2 diabetes is a tremendous part of living well with diabetes.

While there is a great deal of confusion and controversy over whether people with diabetes should eat low-carb diets, low-fat diets, plant-based diets, or ketogenic diets, the one thing everyone can agree on is: mostly whole foods that you prepared yourself.

A diet full of processed crackers, cookies, breads, candy, soda, chips and other processed junk isnt good for anyone, especially for people with diabetes.

Focus on increasing the amount of whole, real food in your diet, learning to cook more meals for yourself, and reducing your consumption of processed food with long lists of ingredients that are not real food.

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