Monday, September 2, 2024

How Does Diabetes Cause Immunosuppression

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What Are The Complications Of Immune Suppression

How are immunocompromised patients dealing with the pandemic? | COVID-19 Special

Infections can develop and spread particularly quickly in people whose immune systems are suppressed. A sore throat, for example, is more likely to develop into a chest infection. You are more likely to get spread of any one individual infection to your whole body , which can make you dangerously ill.

People who have immunosuppression also seem to be at higher risk of certain types of skin cancer. This includes squamous cell carcinoma , melanoma and Kaposi’s sarcoma. It is not entirely known for sure why this is. It may be because the immune system helps to destroy skin cells which have been damaged by the sun. These cells, if not removed by the immune system may go on to multiply and cause cancer. It may also be that viruses involved in some cancers are more likely to be present if the immune system is suppressed. Some immune-suppressing medicines may directly affect skin cells in a way which makes them more likely to develop skin cancers.

Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting For Cd4+ T Cells

Briefly, a total of 6 x 107 cells was incubated in staining buffer with mouse anti-pig CD4α at 4°C for 20 min. Staining buffer contained phosphate-buffered saline and was supplemented with 2 mM EDTA and 0.5% bovine serum albumin . In the next step, cells were resuspended in 480 μl staining buffer before adding 120 μl anti-mouse IgG2a/b MicroBeads for an incubation period of 15 min. In further steps, BSA in staining buffer was omitted to prevent interference with mass spectrometry. Magnetic separation was performed using LS columns . Magnetically-labelled CD4+ T cells were retained in the magnetic field, while unwanted cells were eliminated by three washing steps. Positive CD4+ T cell fraction was eluted by removing the column from magnetic field and flushing with staining buffer. 6 x 105 positive selected cells were pelleted and stored at â20°C until filter-aided sample preparation . The isolation of porcine CD4+ T cells routinely achieved > 90% purity, confirmed by flow cytometry.

Can Immune Suppression Be Treated

It all depends on the cause. In some cases it can be treated, in others it is managed. For example:

  • HIV infection and AIDS are treated with specific anti-HIV medication. See the separate leaflet called HIV and AIDS.
  • Many cancers can be successfully treated, or at least their progression delayed, with chemotherapy.
  • Stem cell transplants are used in some situations. Damaged cells are replaced with normal ones. This is used in some forms of cancer, as well as some genetic immunosuppression conditions.
  • Immune suppression caused by medication should reverse if the medication is stopped. If the immune suppression is causing harm then sometimes an alternative can be used, or the dose dropped. In other cases, infection is quickly managed as and when it occurs, while the medication is continued. It depends on the condition being treated how long the medication is used for.
  • If you have had a splenectomy, the effect is lifelong, but there are ways of reducing the risk of infection .
  • In some conditions, such as genetic immune disorders, injections of antibody proteins can be given to help the body fight infection.

Treating infections early is crucial if you are immunosuppressed. You will be given treatment for the infection. If you are unwell, or if it doesn’t seem to be working, you may be admitted to hospital.

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Why Are Transplant Recipients So Vulnerable

For organ transplant recipients, immunosuppressive drugs are necessary, and David Mulligan, MD, Yale Medicines chief of transplant surgery and immunology, has a simple analogy for explaining why.

The immune system scans the barcode of everything in our body. And when it doesnt recognize a new organ, for example, the T cells and B cells in our immune system will create an inflammatory reaction in an attempt to get rid of it, he says. And thats what we call rejection.

In the early days of transplant surgery, organ rejection was a major concern. But now, with modern immunosuppressant medications, it is rare, Dr. Mulligan adds.

But even though the medications are successful in stopping organ rejection, they come with side effects, including putting patients in an immunocompromised state. They lower the bodys defenses against bacteria, fungi, and opportunistic infections, like COVID-19, Dr. Mulligan says. And some medications strain the organ system or can cause sugar levels to go up and down. Our goal is to find the optimal amount of medication that can keep the immune system in check while minimizing those side effects.

What Is The Definition Of Immunocompromised


Being immunocompromised means that your immune system is weakened, either by a disease or by a medication. It means you are more likely to get an infection and more likely to have a severe illness if you are infected than someone who has an immune system that is working well .

You can become immunocompromised in different ways, either through immunosuppression or through an immunodeficiency.

  • Immunosuppression is when your immune system is deliberately weakened with medications, for example, after an organ transplant.

  • Immunodeficiency is when the body cannot produce enough of certain blood cells to defend against infection. You can be born with an immunodeficiency , or you can get an immunodeficiency later in life due to an illness or medication .

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Reduced Proliferative Capacity Of Lymphocytes In Diabetic Insc94y Transgenic Pigs After Polyclonal Stimulation With Phytohemagglutinin

For assessment of the proliferation response in vitro, we used B and T cell mitogen PWM and the specific T cell mitogens ConA and PHA to stimulate lymphocytes of diabetic INSC94Y tg pigs and wild-type littermates. Interestingly, while no differences could be observed between the two groups after stimulation with PWM and ConA , lymphocytes of diabetic pigs revealed a significantly 5-fold decreased proliferation rate in response to PHA compared to wild-types .

Figure 2 Proliferative capacity of porcine lymphocytes. Mitogens were used for stimulation of lymphocytes analyzed after 48 h of culture: pokeweed mitogen concanavalin A or phytohaemagglutinin . Proliferation rate of stimulated lymphocytes did not differ between wild-type and INSC94Y tg pigs stimulated by ConA and PWM . After PHA-stimulation, lymphocytes of INSC94Y tg pigs revealed a significantly 5-fold decreased proliferation rate compared to non-transgenic wild-type littermates . Data are represented as means +SEM.

How To Spot A Weakened Immune System

If you have immune suppression you may get infections more frequently than others including colds, sinus infections, skin infections, ear infections, chest infections, conjunctivitis and yeast infections . Some people with immunosuppression also have chronic gum disease.When you have an infection you may have more severe symptoms that last longer, and you may also be more prone to developing complications . So in general, you may be sick more often and for longer periods than other people.Immunosuppression can also make it more difficult to spot infections, especially in severe cases. Thats because a healthy immune system often triggers symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, inflammation and a high temperature to destroy invading pathogens. If your immune system is weak, however, it may not launch these particular defences, which can result in a more serious infection.Children with primary immunodeficiency may also experience delayed growth and development.

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Metabolic Control Of Outpatients With T1dm

Several groups from Italy, Spain and the UK have reported that patients with T1DM and without COVID-19 have shown no deteriorations in glycaemic control, and often even show improvements in control, during the pandemic compared with a control period before the pandemic,,. During lockdown, self-reported physical activity was found to be reduced, and more consistent patterns of nutrient intake and sleep were found these findings might reflect conditions under which glycaemic control is easier to achieve. This effect might differ from the situation in developing countries with reduced access to food, medications, blood glucose test strips and medical services,. The COVID-19 pandemic has also offered opportunities for remote consultation and telemedicine, which might contribute to the glycaemic control patterns seen in developed countries,.

Should I Get The Covid

Effects of Long-Term Immunosuppressive Therapy

Yes, according to the CDC, people who are immunocompromised can get the COVID-19 vaccine. The approved COVID-19 vaccines do not contain living organisms, and they cannot infect you with coronavirus.

If youre immunocompromised, its important to keep a few things in mind:

  • We dont have much safety data on COVID-19 vaccines in people with weakened immune systems because clinical trials didnt include many immunocompromised people.

  • Even if you are fully vaccinated, you may not be fully protected. In some immunocompromised people, studies show that the vaccine may not be as effective. So far, this includes some people with solid-organ transplants, certain types of lymphoma or leukemia, and some with autoimmune diseases on certain medications . This is why the CDC recommends some immunocompromised people get a third vaccine dose .

  • Some small studies show that fully vaccinated immunocompromised people make up about 40% of people hospitalized with breakthrough COVID-19.

  • More studies are being done to understand how the COVID-19 vaccine affects immunocompromised people and the type of immune response they develop.

  • After being vaccinated, you may need to continue taking precautions.

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Scientists Show How Sugar

Case Western Reserve University
Scientists may have uncovered a molecular mechanism that sets into motion dangerous infection in the feet and hands often occurring with uncontrolled diabetes. It appears that high blood sugar unleashes destructive molecules that interfere with the body’s natural infection-control defenses.

Case Western Reserve scientists may have uncovered a molecular mechanism that sets into motion dangerous infection in the feet and hands often occurring with uncontrolled diabetes. It appears that high blood sugar unleashes destructive molecules that interfere with the body’s natural infection-control defenses.

The harmful molecules — dicarbonyls — are breakdown products of glucose that interfere with infection-controlling antimicrobial peptides known as beta-defensins. The Case Western Reserve team discovered how two dicarbonyls — methylglyoxal and glyoxal — alter the structure of human beta-defensin-2 peptides, hobbling their ability to fight inflammation and infection.

Their laboratory in vitro findings, which appear in PLOS ONE, could ultimately contribute important insights into developing and enhancing antimicrobial peptide drugs for people with diabetes who have hard-to-control infections and wounds that are slow to heal.

Story Source:

Susceptibility For Some Infectious Diseases In Patients With Diabetes: The Key Role Of Glycemia

  • 1Departamento de Fisiología y Farmacología, Centro de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico
  • 2Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Nuevo León, Mexico
  • 3Centro de Investigación en Biotecnología y Nanotecnología, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Nuevo León, Mexico
  • 4Unidad de Vinculación Científica de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México en el Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica, Mexico City, Mexico
  • 5Departamento de Farmacobiología, Cinvestav-Coapa, Mexico City, Mexico

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Replacing Missing Parts Of The Immune System

Immune globulin can effectively replace missing antibodies in people with an immunodeficiency that affects antibody production by B cells. Immune globulin may be injected into a vein once a month or under the skin once a week or once a month. Subcutaneous immune globulin can be given at home, often by the person with the disorder.

Add Vitamins And Supplements To Your Diet

Burden of Community

Many diabetics also seek out vitamins and supplements designed to boost the immune system. Consulting a medical professional before starting a holistic regimen, however, it is highly recommended. Zinc is a very important supplement for the immune system, so a zinc-heavy product such as Jarrow Formulas Zinc Balance could be very helpful. Calcium and magnesium are also believed to boost immunity naturally.

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Why Are Infections Risky For People With Diabetes

People with diabetes are more adversely affected when they get an infection than someone without the disease, because you have weakened immune defenses in diabetes. Studies have shown that even those who have minimally elevated blood sugar levels experience worse outcomes with infections. Hospitalized patients who have diabetes do not necessarily have a higher mortality rate due to infections, but they do face longer hospitalization and recovery times.

What Is Immune Suppression

Immune suppression, also known as immunosuppression or immunocompromise, means your immune system isn’t working properly. This includes any or all of the defences that make up your immune system – particularly the white cells in our bloodstream, along with our spleen and lymph nodes.

When this system is suppressed, ie not working as it should, we are more vulnerable to infection.

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Major Infections Associated With Diabetes Mellitus

Some investigators claim that the differences in the risk factors for infection between diabetic and non-diabetic patients result either from non-controlled studies or biased studies . However, most researchers conclude that there is clinical evidence pointing to the higher prevalence of infectious diseases among individuals with DM. summarizes the major infections associated with DM.

Cellular Innate Immunity Monocytes/macrophages

Immunosuppression Withdrawal

Both impaired chemotaxis and phagocytosis of the monocytes of diabetic patients have been described . Since plasma from healthy controls does not cause any significant change in the phagocytotic capacity of diabetic monocytes , it seems that this impaired function is caused by an intrinsic defect in the monocytes themselves.

A lower immune response in children with DM type 1 compared to controls was found after intradermal administration of the hepatitis B vaccine . It has been suggested that this lower response is probably partly the result of an impaired macrophage function in this patient group .

In combination with the earlier mentioned decreased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines after LPS stimulation in DM type 1 patients, it seemed that monocyte/macrophage functions are impaired in DM type 1 patients. The pathogenic mechanism remains unclear. Further research has to be done to explain this interesting phenomenon.

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Type 1 Diabetes Doesnt Hamper Your Immune Systems Basic Functions If You Have Good Blood Glucose Control

This according to Dr. Richard Jackson, endocrinologist and former director of medical affairs at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston.

The autoimmune part of type 1 diabetes is very particular, as only the beta cells in the islets are targeted not the other cells in the islet, and not the other cells in the pancreas. In all of the usual ways, the immune system is just fine, he says.

There are a few other autoimmune endocrine disorders that are slightly more likely if you have type 1 diabetes. Autoimmune thyroid disease is the most common, resulting in either an overactive or underactive thyroid.

What this means is that a person with T1D who maintains healthy glucose control is no more or less likely to get colds or flu than a person without diabetes.

In terms of a viral infection like the 2020 coronavirus, the problem for people with diabetes is being at higher risk for developing complications or dying if they do contract it, according to the American Diabetes Association.

To clarify, Jackson notes that when most authorities talk about people with diabetes being at elevated risk, they are thinking of older people with type 2 diabetes who may have multiple comorbidities , not the typical person with type 1.

People with poorly controlled diabetes are more likely to have infections and more complicated illnesses overall but your glucose has to be pretty high for a long time, he adds.

What Causes A Person To Become Immunocompromised

There are multiple ways an individual might be immunocompromised, says David Hafler, MD, chair of Yale Neurology and professor of immunobiology at Yale School of Medicine.

He divides the causes into two major groups: those with a genetic mutation or a disease, such as HIV, that causes a loss of immune function and those who take certain medications, including immunotherapy, to treat specific diseases.

Immunotherapy is a treatment that can suppress, or dampen, immune responses when the immune system is overactive, such as with an autoimmune disease in which immune cells attack healthy tissue or with organ transplants. Autoimmune diseases that create this overactive response include rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis , and inflammatory bowel disease .

In general, the more immunocompromised someone is, the less effective vaccines will be for them.Stuart Seropian, MD, a Smilow Cancer Hospital hematologist

Immunotherapy is also used to enhance immune responses, sometimes using drugs called checkpoint inhibitors, for example, to treat certain types of cancer. With checkpoint inhibitors, patients arent considered to be immunocompromised, Dr. Hafler adds. After treatment, those patients may have a perfectly normalor even a more robustimmune response, he says.

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General Recommendations For Being Prepared During Covid

Here are some general recommendations for all at risk people during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • Stock up on supplies in case you need to self-isolate .

  • Stay at home and practice social distancing from those you do not live with .

  • Ask those you live with to practice social distancing to keep you safe.

  • If you need to contact your health care provider or other services, use the phone.

  • Stay home, and avoid non-essential travel and crowds.

  • Avoid people who are ill. If someone in your home is sick, stay away from them.

  • Avoid sharing personal household items such as cups and towels.

  • Wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet, before eating, and in between.

  • Clean and disinfect your home and car regularly, especially items you touch often like doorknobs, light switches, cell phones, keyboards, taps, car door handles, and steering wheels.

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. The mouth can be a source of infection.

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet to boost your immune system.

  • Be physically active by walking every day .

  • Get enough sleep.

  • Manage stress and worry. Stress and worry are normal responses, but they can weaken your immune system. Try meditation, yoga, a gentle walk, or a creative hobby. Find what works for you.

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